The Bold Acting Podcast
The Bold Interview: From NBC's "Transplant" - Actor Gord Rand

The Bold Interview: From NBC's "Transplant" - Actor Gord Rand

For Sunday, January 14th 2023

There are two streams that make up the Bold Acting Podcast: How to be a Person — The Newsletter which I read aloud and publish, and the Bold Interview.

Today I speak to Gord Rand.

Gord Rand is an actor and creator. He has performed on stages such as The Shaw Festival, The Stratford Festival and the Worldstage. He won a Dora Award for his portrayal of a naked Ukranian plutonium dealer.

Gord Rand writes and directs both films and plays. recently completing his first feature documentary Goodness in Rwanda. He’s penned plays such as Orgy in the Lighthouse, Pond Life, and the recently published The Trouble with Mr. Adams.

Screen appearances include: Stephen King’s Chapelwaite for EPIX where he played alongside Emily Hampshire and Adrien Brody, a lead role in the indie film Impasse, and most recently his recurring role in NBC’s Transplant.

His bio on says: He lives in downtown Toronto, grows his own hot peppers, has a lovely wife, two beautiful boys, a very large dog and that he is lucky.

Gord Rand starts off speaking about his best creative decision that came at the age of 13 when he auditioned for a school production of A Christmas Carol.

When you’re next at your weekly podcast listening party consider talking this way up. Word-of-Mouth is the best mouth around.

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The Bold Acting Podcast
I'm an actor and a teacher in Toronto. But I don't just teach acting. I teach performance technique that everyone can use. Each week I'll publish an episode that covers the newsletter, everything we've been working on in class and all of the videos I've published on social media. All in one place.